Saturday 18 November 2017

Xamarin.Forms Custom Entry With Image and Password

Hello Xamarin Friends,
Today, I am going to create a custom ImageEntry. Whenever we are creating a login page, we can not understand which control we have to use for the username and password. I am creating a custom control today to solve this problem. We don't need to write more code with its use and page design will also looks good.
So let's start.

Firstly we create a ContentView and set the image and entry. 
then we are using the  BindableProperty to create this custom control.
Please make sure to add view reference.....

I have not yet told about the Borderless entry and CustomImage in this blog that I will tell in the next post.

All this  my original code.

Features of Image Entry controls:-
  1. Accent Color = ( AccentColor="BlueViolet")
  2. Text Property = (Text="Xamarin Skills")
  3. Keyboard Property = (Keyboard="Default")
  4. Placeholder Property = (Placeholder="Xamarin Skills")
  5. IsPassword Property = (IsPassword="False")
  6. Left ImageSource Property = (LImageSource="email")
  7. Right ImageSource Property = (RImageSource="eyeshow")
  8. ImageEntry RightImage = Clicked Property(RightImageClicked="ImageEntry_RightImageClicked")
  9. ImageEntry LeftImage Clicked Property = (LeftImageClicked="ImageEntry_LeftImageClicked")
  10. ImageAlignment Property = (ImageAlignment="Password")

You want to full source code Click Here
If you want to watch this video Click Here

Tuesday 7 November 2017

Xamarin.Forms Animation With Triggers

Hi All,

In this post I have created  an example of animation with triggers, This time we are talking about the triggers.

Xamarin Forms have a powerful class  named Trigger.  I want to show you stacklayout flipping with animation which I have created with Trigger.

Firstly we create a folder whose name is Triggers,  then create a class with name SwitchLayout.
Then write this code......

Here is the  XAML code......

You need  to add the reference like this.

if you want watch this demo video click here

you want to full source code click Here
If you want to watch this video Click Here

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Sliding Entry In Xamarin.Forms

  Today, I am going to show you how to create a Custom Slide entry in Xamarin.Forms with animation and also using gradient color. here is Y...