Saturday 23 December 2017

Xamarin.Forms Custom Label

Hello My Xamarin Friends,

Today I am creating another new post in which I am going to tell you to customize the button, so let's start....
Label is a graphical control that is used to display text on the form or page, usually label to determine the entry or other widget.
When building any application, a label is the general control which is used most often.
"A Label is something describe a person or thing"
For Exa. A label is a father introducing his sons as "the smart one".

So we will first create a class whose name "CustomLabel" and then we will write a code in "C #"

Now we can write some code in android project for set the Radius and Background Color....

Then we will create in Ios Project Also

Now again please make sure to add view reference.....

then write xaml code in main page.


You should have your CustomLabel working!!

Features of CustomLabel controls:-
  1. Custom Curved Background Color Property=(CurvedBackgroundColor="#24C4FF")
  2. Custom Curved Corner Radius Property=(CurvedCornerRadius="4")
You want to full source code Click Here
If you want to watch this video Click Here

Public Properties of Label controls:-
  1.  Font Font. =(Font="13")
  2.  FontAttributes FontAttributes. =(FontAttributes ="Bold")
  3.  FontFamily String. =(FontFamily ="Arial")
  4.  FontSize Double. =(FontSize ="Default")
  5.  HorizontalTextAlignment TextAlignment.=(HorizontalTextAlignment ="Start")
  6.  LineBreakMode LineBreakMode =(LineBreakMode ="CharacterWrap")
  7.  Text String. =(Text ="xamarin buddy")
  8.  TextColor Color. =(TextColor ="Azure")

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